At the beginning of October we were at the Aviator's Festival, which took place for the third year in a row in Lucas do Rio Verde.
The state is currently the region that produces the most grains on the planet. In two decades, production increased from 15.9 million tons to 94.1 million tons. This impressive growth was only possible thanks to aerial application, the only tool capable of treating the more than 17 million hectares planted.
The agricultural fleet in Mato Grosso has already surpassed 600 aircraft (probably the largest concentration on the planet). Machines piloted by hundreds of heroes who put their lives at risk every season, from November to July.
The party, which takes place between one cycle and another, is an opportune moment: the pilots relax, exchange experiences about the past season, give thanks for the results obtained and receive blessings for the work that is to come. May these celebrations be repeated every year.