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Zanoni fire gates stand out in South American fire fighting

Equipment has been constantly improved by the company and is already used in several South American countries

20/02/2025 ás 22h02

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Prerrogative of our industry for several decades, agricultural aircrafts have played a fundamental role in protecting the main areas of nature preservation and in combating crop fires, since they are more versatile than other aircraft models. In the last years, Zanoni Equipamentos has been designing and manufacturing a diversified line of fire gate boxes, with several models to suit different types of aircraft. In addition to the manual gates, Zanoni Equipamentos now also produces fire gate boxes with an electro-hydraulic engine and a sensor that allows the adjustment of its opening.

Manufactured in stainless steel, Zanoni Equipamentos's 2nd generation of fire gate boxes offers a simpler and more precise operation. One of its main differentials is the flexibility it gives to the aircraft: as it is not necessary to uninstall the spraying system for its use, there is no headache in having to change the equipments, enabling the traditional activities of the aerial application to be carried out with no problems. Moreover, with the opening adjustment system, it also allows for the pilot to deliver a consistent and controlled amount of fire retardant to the specified drop zone and to carry out the dispersion of solids.

Currently, Zanoni Equipamentos has dozens of fire gates in operation throughout Brazil and other countries in South America, where the company has stood out as the main supplier of this type of equipment. Along with the entire agricultural aviation sector, Zanoni and the various pilots who carry out this difficult job have been playing a decisive role in protecting forest reserves, as part of the commitment of Brazilian agriculture to sustainability. The company has also been working together with foreign partners to develop new technologies in this product line and to offer the best quality in different countries. In addition to our partners operating on national soil, we have intensified the joint work with our neighbors, exchanging experiences and giving reciprocal support, with Zanoni fire gates already operating in countries such as Paraguay, Argentina and Chile.

The year 2019 was a very unusual period, but it was noteworthy for the ag aviation industry in this activity. Around the world, the fire season was more intense than usual, with an increase in fires in several regions beyond here. Despite intense criticism from other countries and even parts of Brazilian society against our agriculture, we, more than anyone, have been committed to protecting the environment. Several operations took place across the continent, with highlights for Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Bahia and in various locations in the Cerrado, the Amazon rainforest and in the South American Chaco.

See our complete line of fire gate and gate boxes here.

Zanoni fire gates stand out in South American fire fighting

Watch some videos of our fire gates on YouTube:

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See some highlights in the media of Zanoni Equipamentos and of our partners that use the gate for fighting fires:

Aerial Fire Magazine - Brazilian agricultural aviation rises to assist in Amazon wildfires: https://www.aerialfiremag.com/brazilian-agricultural-aviation-rises-to-assist-in-amazon-wildfires/

DefesaNet - Brazilian agricultural aviation in Amazonian fire operations: http://www.defesanet.com.br/en/hw/noticia/34114/Brazilian-agricultural-aviation-in-Amazonian-fire-operations/ 

AgAir Update – Brazilian Agricultural Aviation in Fire Fighting, A Moment of Opportunity (Portuguese): https://issuu.com/aau_proofs/docs/aau_p_e81a114e8b163e 

SINDAG – Ag aviation company sends four planes to fight fire in the state of Bahia (Portuguese): https://sindag.org.br/aeroagricola-envia-quatro-avioes-para-combater-incendio-na-bahia/ 

Globo Rural - Agricultural aviation offers support for firefighting in the Amazon (Portuguese): https://revistagloborural.globo.com/Noticias/Sustentabilidade/noticia/2019/08/aviacao-agricola-oferece-apoio-para-combate-incendios-na-amazonia.html 

Airway – Agricultural planes become “firefighters” in the Amazon forest fires (Portuguese): https://www.airway.com.br/avioes-agricolas-viram-bombeiros-nos-incendios-da-floresta-amazonica/ 

Canal Rural – Agricultural aircraft work against flames in the Amazon (Portuguese): https://blogs.canalrural.com.br/aviacaoagricola/2019/08/26/avioes-agricolas-atuam-contra-as-chamas-na-amazonia/ 

Canal Rural – Agricultural aircraft from Brazil fight fires in the Paraguayan Chaco (Portuguese): https://blogs.canalrural.com.br/aviacaoagricola/2019/09/26/avioes-agricolas-do-brasil-combatem-incendios-no-chaco-paraguaio/ 

Gazeta do Cerrado - Three tank planes provided by the Chilean government land in Palmas to reinforce combating fires (Portuguese): https://gazetadocerrado.com.br/populacao-critica-chegada-de-aeronaves-chilenas-no-to-somente-apos-11-mil-focos-de-queimadas-a-chuva-chegou-primeiro/ 

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