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New line of automatic spray valves

Practicality of the automatic valve, with the safety of the mechanical valve.

06/03/2025 ás 20h03

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Almost two decades ago, Zanoni, DGPS and Agnav created the world's first automatic spray valve project, making life easier for agricultural pilots in several countries. This new technology has brought three major contributions to aerial spraying:

1) eliminating repetitive movements (preserving the pilot's physical health);

2) reducing the operator's concern with yet another factor during the flight (increasing their focus and safety);

3) increasing application precision by integrating the system into the DGPS ("turning on" the spraying system only in the demarcated areas), with an advantage over the same system integrated into the "wind pump brake", as it keeps the product in constant agitation.

New line of automatic spray valves

After developing this product line, we came across a problem: the possibility of an electrical failure in flight. By simply replacing the conventional spray valve with the automatic spray valve, there was a risk of motor failure with the equipment in the "closed position". In this case, the spraying system becomes blocked, forcing the pilot to dump the load or land with the load.

To avoid this type of situation, DGPS and Zanoni have developed a new automatic spray valve for the Agnav system, which, in addition to providing all the benefits of the electric valve, now also has the possibility of deactivating the motor in flight. With this technology, the pilot can enjoy all the benefits of automation, but without having to worry about the possibility of an actuator failure during application.

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